Microbiological Organic Fungicide
"Bio-Fungicide 80BL"
Microbiological organic fungicide "Bio-Fungicide 80BL" is a liquid strain of rhizosphere, nitrogen-fixing bacteria Bacillus subtilis Ch-13. It is a light-beige to dark-brown liquid with a characteristic odour.
"Bio-Fungicide 80BL" is to be applied to soil together with liquid complex fertilizers (plant nutrition and biological soil detoxification) for pre-sowing treatment of seeds, foliar application and treatment of agricultural products packed for storage.
The main effect is "soil revival" due to beneficial microorganisms' activity, stimulation of plant growth, protection from diseases, increase of crops and improvement of the products quality, softening of the tough impact of chemicals on plants.
Agronomic effectiveness of "Bio-Fungicide 80BL":
- winter wheat - 18-25%, gluten increase by 4-6%;
- spring wheat - 16-33%, gluten increase by 3-5%;
- spring barley - 15-24%;
- sorghum, millet - 31-45%;
- corn - 13-22%;
- soybeans, peas, haricot, chick-pea - 12-64%.
The following vegetable crops showed the highest response to treatment:
- cabbage - 20-45%;
- carrot - 15-32%;
- pepper, eggplant - 15-25%;
- tomatoes - 18-40%;
- onion, garlic, cucumbers - 15-25%;
- potatoes - 18-34%.
The microbiological preparation "Bio-Fungicide 80BL" is one of the latest works of the All-Russia Institute for Agricultural Microbiology. It obtained state registration in 1999. In 2004 the preparations of "Bio-Fungicide 80BL" group were registered as bio-fungicides.
Over 100 field experiments were carried out with "Bio-Fungicide 80BL" using crops from various regions of Russia and from abroad. It was proved that "Bio-Fungicide 80BL" was effective under any conditions.